About Naturism - Visit Us

PLEASE SEE OUR NEW WEBSITE: https://www.aucklandoutdoornaturistclub.com/

What is Naturism?

By definition of the International Naturist Federation, "Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature characterised by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment". 

Naturism is the practice of going nude, especially in a mixed social setting and is a lifestyle choice. Another term for it is 'nude recreation'. It is a feeling of freedom and, for many, social nudity is personally liberating. Through it, we come not only to accept ourselves but others as well.

The benefits of naturism are wide and varied:

  • physical health - despite negative publicity, sun exposure and Vitamin D provides relief and prevention from a large number of diseases
  • mental health - researchers are discovering that vitamin D plays an important role in mental health and in depression
  • self esteem - the naturist philosophy encourages acceptance of all people, no matter who they are or what they look like - how your body looks like becomes irrelevant 'you are you’, and we are basically all the same underneath
  • freedom - the sense of freedom when you remove the 'entrapments of civilisation’ is fantastic
  • connection with nature - the touch of plants against the skin and the feeling of grass under your feet awakens the tactile senses 

Visit Us

We welcome couples and families. Naturist clubs, such as Auckland Outdoor Naturist Club, offer a safe, family-friendly environment for people of all ages to experience the joys of naturism. Like most clubs, we allow newcomers visits to get used to naturism, but the expectation is that, when suitable weather conditions prevail and you feel comfortable, you will shed your clothes. 

Contact us for a visit to have a look at our facilities and discover for yourself the many benefits of naturism and what a haven AONC provides. We do charge a Day Visitor Fee of $10 per adult and visits should be arranged ahead of time for non-members. After 3 visits, you are able to apply for membership. Please note that visitors are required to leave by 4PM. 

Allowing visitors are at the club's discretion. We are a private members club and retain the right to refuse entry. 


We welcome your membership enquiry and request that you visit on three occasions prior to submitting a membership application to the committee for approval. These visits are to be arranged in advance with our Membership Co-ordinator or by calling our Caretakers - these details are available on our contact us page. 

Our annual membership fees are: 

Youth   - $110 (18 to 25 years of age)
Adult    - $400 (25 to 65 years of age)
Senior  - $300 (65+ years of age)
Family  - $300 (per adult with accompanying child members up to age of 18 years of age, for the first two years of membership)

Children accompanying an adult are free up to the age of 18. 


Social Media Links

You can engage with the naturist community in New Zealand through a number of social media groups. 

New Zealand Naturists: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nznaturism

Naturist Women of New Zealand (a group for women only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/naturistwomenofnewzealand

Auckland Young Naturists (a group for under 45s): https://www.facebook.com/groups/914303468927766

You can also follow AONC on our page: https://www.facebook.com/AklNaturist



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